Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a water treatment process that removes contaminants, unwanted molecules and larger particles from drinking water by using pressure to force water molecules through a semipermeable membrane. During this process, the contaminants are filtered out and flushed away, leaving clean, pure drinking water to the other side.
NEO,the healthcare brand in Nepal believes purity is the greatest source and the safest route to a healthy life.Its 7 stage technology helps in removing all micro impurities and retains essential minerals. It has a storage capacity of 12 LTR.Its fully automatic and have a flow rate of 15LPH
• 7 Stage Technology: RO+UV+UF Filteration.
• Remove all micro impurities
• Includes Mineral Cartridge which retains essential minerals.
• Includes pre filteration which gives longer life to RO cartridge.
• Storage Capacity-12 LTR
• Fully automatic ideal for higher TDS.
• 1 Years Warranty
• Flow Rate upto 15LPH